Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cinnamon Raisin Bread!

I used the recipe from this link ... EXCEPT:
  • I subbed 3/4 cup lowfat buttermilk for the eggs.
  • I used cooking spray instead of rubbing with milk before sprinkling cinnamon sugar.
  • I had frozen raisins, so I added those to the scalded milk (which helped the milk cool quicker and helped plump the raisins!)
  • I let mine rise twice. I punched it down once, and then let it rise again.

  • When I do my final rise (when the dough is rolled together and in the pan), I like to pour boiling water into a 9x13 pan and put it on the bottom shelf of oven. Warm the oven to 120 degrees, turn oven off.. let initial heat out of oven by opening door, and then put the pans of dough in oven to rise until doubled! About 30-40 minutes.

This is a bread I definitely like better toasted the next day, as opposed to warm right out of the oven. :)

Warmed milk (look at the little bubbles, that's scalding it... you want that!)

Yeast all frothy
Dough mixing in KA mixer - kinda messy with all that flour

Had to use both mixers... first one was not big enough.
Dough right out of the mixer.. in a greased bowl.

Risen dough! (Punch down and let rise again)
Spread out and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar.
Rolled up with edges tucked in.

In greased pan.
Rising in warm oven with pan of water
loaves of baked bread

So pretty!
Baked bread!
Sliced and toasted! Mmmmmmm. (Good with a little butter! But really, what isn't?)

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